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7 Submissions from Partner Institutions of GSSDC Project and China SSC Network Have Been Included in Good Practices in SSTrC in Least Developed Countries: From the Istanbul Programme of Action to Achieving Sustainable and Resilient Development

2022-04-22 16:50:55 Click Num:1554

One day ahead of the consideration and endorsement of the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs for the Decade 2022-2031, UNOSSC, on 16 March, launched the “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Least Developed Countries: From the Istanbul Programme of Action to Achieving Sustainable and Resilient Development” jointly with UNCDF, UN-OHRLLS and Qatar Fund for Development. The publication, available in both English and French encompasses about 80 good practices submitted by governments, UN agencies and development partners. 

It has a particular focus on LDCs by centering on the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) priorities and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in these countries while spotlighting the role of South-South and triangular cooperation in supporting sustainable development including relevant and scalable efforts in the context of COVID-19 pandemic recovery.



This high-level event was opened by Mr. Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, H.E. Nancy Tembo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malawi, Chair of the Group of LDCs and H.E. Khalifa Jassim Al-Kuwari, Director General, Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD). Selected good practices from the publication were presented by ministers, ambassadors and high-level government representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Chile, the Gambia, Indonesia, Morocco, Tanzania and Togo. Think tank expert perspectives were also presented on how to leverage South-South and triangular cooperation to deliver tangible benefits for LDCs in the Decade of Action. The president of HLC concluded the event together with UN-OHRLLS.

A total of 7 submissions, implemented by partner institutions of Global South-South Development Center Project (GSSDC Project for short) and China South-South Cooperation Network, have been included in the Good Practices (details below).


The included 7 submissions were small-grant projects under the framework of GSSDC Project. The GSSDC Project is jointly initiated by UNOSSC and CICETE and its project office is located within CICETE.

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