Welcome to China South South Cooperation Network

Introduction of the Member Institution—Sanya China-Africa Green Agriculture Development Research Center

2021-12-29 18:45:10 Click Num:1329

The center actively participates in south-south cooperation and international development cooperation activities. 

First, the center carries out international poverty reduction and alleviation projects. The center enjoys the support of Burkina Faso Ambassador’ Fund and relies on the Burkina Faso branch center to carry out rice poverty alleviation projects in the local area. The planting area under favor the projects has exceeded 2000 hectares in total, helping more than 1000 smallholders increase grain production. 

Second, the center cooperates with Nigeria Green Agriculture West Africa Co., Ltd. to conduct experimental and demonstrative projects for rice and vegetable planting technologies, and to conduct demonstrative and promotional projects for processing technologies of cassava and edible oil. Some small industrial development models that can be replicated and popularized had been formed.

Third, the center provides consulting services on scheme formulation, expert assignment, technology and other aspects for Winning Group, CGCOC Group and other enterprises in the development of rice industry and peanut industry in Africa.

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