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2023 edition of "Xi Jinping on the Belt and Road Initiative" published

2023-12-26 11:00:00 Click Num:547

The book "Xi Jinping on the Belt and Road Initiative (2023 Edition)" has been published by the Central Party Literature Press.

The book includes 78 important discourses on Belt and Road cooperation by Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, from September 2013 to November 2023. It was compiled by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee.

The Belt and Road Initiative, put forward by Xi, focuses on the common hopes of people in various countries for peace and development, and provides the world with a plan for common prosperity and development.

The initiative has received positive responses from the international community, especially from participating countries. It transcends differences in civilizations, cultures, social systems and development stages, and has become a broadly welcomed global public good and a platform for international cooperation.

Xi has provided profound explanations of the guiding principles, rich connotations, goals and pathways of Belt and Road cooperation. These have been of great significance to promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, driving the modernization of countries around the world, building a world of openness, inclusiveness, connectivity and common development, and building a human community with a shared future.  

Source: Xinhua

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